Zoom Presentation Sacred Geometry 1 (English)
Please note: live presentation, not accessible afterwards! Please select the date and time in the dropdown menu when ordering.
During this presentation you see the 5 Platonic Solids manifest, and you get a sense of the structure of it all, as they are being created live in 3D in the computer. By building them in this way, turning them around, and viewing them from different angles, they truly come alive (much more than by simply viewing a picture). You suddenly realise that the icosaeder is not randomly made from lots of triangles, but can cleary see the pentagons as well.
I will show how the platonic solids fit within each other, something truly magical. It will happen at a pace where you can easily follow all the steps.
After a short break, I will show you how the Flower of Life & Metatron's Cube are constructed, and will discuss the claim that all 5 platonic solids are correctly shown in these figures (spoiler: not exactly the case...).
Of course there's room for questions and discussion afterwards, all in a relaxed manner. Within a week after the presentation I will send you a PDF of several pages with some nice overviews. Hope to greet you online!
30 October at 7:30 PM (19:30) / 31 October at 10:30 AM
You will get a link in your email inbox, and the Zoom session will open 15 minutes before the presentation starts. There will be a 5 minute break half-way.
Soon I will give a second presentation, where I will explore Phi (the golden ratio), sequences such as Fibonacci, other special 3D geometries and 2D patterns, and it all will lead towards the special ratio's of the Pyramids...